If you want to reduce…


If you want to reduce gridlock you need to introduce alternate transportation methods OTHER than driving. By ripping out bike lanes it will result in further congestion. as a province and country we need to move away from suburban sprawl, and it's not a political statement it's an economic one. I am 24 years old and owning a car is a ridiculous economic burden. I grew up in an environment where you needed a car to get anywhere and it has serious social and cultural effects. Channels like not just bikes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHZwOAIect4&t=974s) or Oh The Urbanity! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FZDEehlaC4) have shown that is just backwards to dump time money and resources into car infrastructure. Toronto has been doing a fantastic job bringing some bike infrastructure to the standard that is seen in Europe, but if we rip these out we are right back where we started.

Please reconsider the decision to rip out bike lanes. You may not have to deal with the consequences but myself and my future children will.