Has your city decided to…


Has your city decided to build bike lanes, for safer streets, healthier citizens, and cleaner air? Hasn't it forgotten to ask the provincial government?
This bill is an utterly transparent attempt to distract from the province's failures to properly modernize rail and public transit infrastructure. This inability to effectively provide drivers with any alternative means to get to where they want to go is the reason the roads are clogged with motor vehicle traffic. Fortunately, the Ontario government has found yet another alternative form of transport infrastructure that they can provide less of, and even prevent cities from providing more of. Surely this will fix traffic!
As an Ontario resident, I am firmly against this bill. The province adding more red tape to municipal infrastructure planning is not the way to fix gridlock, and it comes at the peril of cyclists and pedestrians. Comprehensive, safe, affordable, and environmentally friendly transit plans require the expansion of bike and pedestrian pathways.