What actual confounded…


What actual confounded nonsense is this. "Oh, just one more lane, just one more lane, one more lane will fix everything!" and then you get the 401 which has SO many got-dang lanes and is STILL bunged up tighter than a frog's butthole in a watermelon seed fight.

It's a proven fact at this point that adding more lanes doesn't fix the problem of traffic. The solution to traffic is to stop making cars the only viable way to get around: we need reliable public transit, walkable city planning, and BIKE LANES. Not yet more car infrastructure.

Removing bike lanes so we can have more car lanes is asinine.

Also, we're in a climate emergency. If we don't curb emissions, we are all going to die. Building more car infrastructure is the opposite of curbing emissions. I'd like to still have a livable planet in five years.