As a resident of York reigon…


As a resident of York reigon who cannot drive for medical reasons and is especially prone to potential injury in case of an accident for those same reasons, this bill represents a direct threat to my well-being.

having safe, separated bike infrastructure is crucial for suburban towns like mine that NEED to move away from cars being the main mode of personal transportation. there are countless individuals like myself who rely on micromobility (bikes, e-bikes, e-scooters, ect.) for a host of reasons, and that number is only going to increase in the coming decades as people are increasingly unable to afford car ownership, or may be rendered unable to drive due to Long Covid.

Even if one were to ignore the personal needs of micromobility users, bike infrastructure is also a vital cost-savings measure for towns and cities. road maintenance is a significant expense to suburban towns, costing york reigon around 51.5 million in 2021, and the cost has only risen since. getting as many people out of cars and onto micromobility (which causes an order of magnitude less wear on roads) should be a priority for this reason alone.

Ontario simply cannot afford to limit or impede the devlopment of bike infrastructure, financially or morally.