this proposed bill is moving…


this proposed bill is moving the province backwards in several ways.

first and foremost, there is a clear bias being shown by the Minister. Without laying out the specifics on what would constitute acceptable criteria to install multi-use active transportation infrastructure amounts to a poison pill. Bills and regulations need to be based on data and reasoning, not feelings and personal opinions.

second, removal of current infrastructure will decrease safety for the people who use the infrastructure and increase the conflict points between drivers and cyclists.

third, the proposal to exempt the proposed highways from environmental assessment to increase project speeds is bordering on criminal. the processes are in place to ensure all major infrastructure is conducted in a manner to protect the rights of our people and the land which we are stewarts of.

fourth, removing land owners ability to appeal a judge to delay an expropriation date is not looking out for the people of our province. these rules are put in place to protect our rights, not to improve the timeline of elections promises.