I think it is absolutely…


I think it is absolutely ridiculous that we spent so much time and money to install these lovely bike lanes that many people use to get around the city, just to spend more money to rip them up and put them in harms way. All for what??? To provide drivers with a slightly faster commute time? Risking the lives of bike riders for to save the precious car drivers a few minutes on their commute? Please dont be ridiculous.

If the bike lanes are ripped up there is no way i am biking around the city. I do not want to be killed by a careless driver. So what does that mean? It means Im taking my car, which has now added to the traffic. An absolute lose-lose situation for everyone involved, that has cost the taxpayers millions.

This is so ridiculous and so silly i sincerely hope this is a joke. Anything for the precious car drivers, oh what a marginalized and inconvenienced group!!! Please grow up.