Extra lanes never solve the…


Extra lanes never solve the issue of congestion. It has been proven over and over again that extra lanes only encourage more drivers to use said road and create the same level of congestion. This would also be dangerous as a completely straight and wide road encourages reckless driving.

As a city where residents mainly move on foot, public transit, and biking, we should not be prioritizing the movement of cars and sacrifice the convenience and SAFETY of pedestrians and bikers. We should be thinking of how the majority of the population in this area actually move around. The answer is not cars.

Beyond this, we should also be prioritizing infrastructure for pedestrians, public transport, and biking as this is the most sustainable and convenient way of moving around the city. If moving around the city without cars was easier, this would discourage driving and reduce congestion. Urban living does not have a space for car-centric culture. Additionally, fighting climate change also does not have a space for car-centric culture. All signs point to a better future where car use is significantly reduced.

Alternative modes of transportation need to be invested in for the betterment of Toronto. Backwards thinking like more lanes = less traffic = better has no place in the future of Toronto and does not help the majority of the population of Toronto.