Why not turn to Europe to…


Why not turn to Europe to see how they organize their infrastructure? There are places outside of Canada that manage traffic well, and if you want to spend >$100 billion whatevers on car infrastructure, you may as well divvy this price tag up and at least put it towards public transit or something like that!

As an Ottawa resident, this bill impedes progress needing to be made in the capital of Canada. Toronto is a decent transit hub, whereas Ottawa is lagging behind the GTA. Reversing bike lanes in Toronto is already a bad move for those needing alternate transportation. This limits transit options for the rich, the poor, the homeless, the active, the wanting-to-BE active individuals. This limits quick trips, leisurely trips, grocery trips, trips to home and work, etc.

The safety of bikers is not being taken into account either. Much infrastructure in Canada is built very large for the cars, and creates deserts of concrete that individuals on foot or bike have to trek across, often unsafely.

Getting rid of bike paths, getting rid of sidewalks- whatever it is- will actually increase traffic due to MORE cars on the road. Then when roads expand, there will be no walking room and ONLY congestion.

There is no logic, please don't meddle in the business of cities where it is completely pointless. Many other systems in Canada require your attention. Not this one.