I am a car owner and driver…


I am a car owner and driver living downtown in Toronto. I commute out in to the suburbs every work day, over 400 km and about 10 hours a week. If such a bill would help anyone it would be me. Yet, I find this proposal nothing but offensive in so many ways.

First, that the province thinks it knows better than municipalities where bike lanes can or should go is absolutely ludicrous. Beyond that, the public premise that getting rid of bike lanes will make any meaningful positive impact on congestion, when the actual effect will be to turn many of those cyclists in to additional motor vehicles, is absurd. This is a ridiculous bill put forward by a premier who has shown a loathing of downtown residents for decades, to distract the public from the shady projects he is pushing forward to line his buddies' pockets, and drive a wedge in the suburban vote that he hopes will be useful in his reelection.