I urge you not to introduce…


I urge you not to introduce the proposed Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 legislation. This legislation is a step backward and will not reduce gridlock. The provincial government has no right to dictate the way cities decide to promote cycling within their cities and should focus more on initiatives that would actually reduce congestion, such as improving public transit and by installing HOV lanes on the Ontario Provincial Highway Network, where they actually have jurisdiction.  Too many single occupancy vehicles is the cause of congestion; perhaps the useful and gridlock reducing HOV lanes that were installed for the Pan-am games (and then removed) should be reinstalled!

Municipal expertise is best positioned to make decisions on bike lanes and local transportation planning; these proposed changes are an overreach into municipal jurisdiction. Municipalities know their streets and traffic patterns the best, not the Province! The City of Peterborough’s new Cycling Master Plan was developed with extensive community consultation and keen attention to best practices, which are creating safe, connected and accessible routes for travelling by bicycle around the city.

The rationale for implementing this legislation is flawed. More people on bikes creates more livable and healthier communities that are economically and environmentally sustainable.

I urge you not to propose this proposed legislation!


Peterborough, ON