Bike lanes increase bike…


Bike lanes increase bike ridership and remove cars from the road. By adding more bike lanes, bike ridership will go up and car ridership will go down. This is observable in any community in Toronto with a well established series of biking lanes. This is the same in areas where there is a reliable cohesive system of public transit. Ask anyone that used to live in Toronto before the addition of bike lanes and they will tell you how atrocious the traffic used to be.

The reason we are given is that this will be done to increase traffic flow. By that logic why not remove sidewalks? Why not add lanes through buildings? Maybe we should remove historic buildings within the city core and replace it with a new express way? Those that suffer in traffic should consider advocating for better transit, something that could be reasonably achieved with a government that actually puts the needs of the people first. The provincial government is needlessly adding red tape and interfering with a system that the City of Toronto has been perfecting over time.

This move by the province will only make the roads more dangerous, increase traffic, and make driving in the city even more of a night mare. Removing bike lanes moves Toronto backwards by decades and will devastate Toronto socially and financially for years to come.