As a fellow cyclist, vehicle…


As a fellow cyclist, vehicle owner and pedestrian of Toronto, I strongly disagree to the proposal of removing bike lanes pertaining to Bill 212.

The removal of bike lanes will not eliminate the cyclist on the road, but will increase safety and risk to cyclists and drivers as we continue to use the roads as our transportation systems/routes. Designated bike lanes allows for safe flow of road traffic and cyclists to stay within their lanes and reduce and prevent confusion and congestion on the main roads.
And what about the Toronto bike share? Is that removed as well? The promotion of bike share without the proper and safe route is contradicting.

Use our tax money to conduct a study of who is using the roads; why and time of use etc. then propose a plan.

- TTC cost and wait time is too high that people resort to third party drivers (Uber, Lyft etc.) that are clogging the roads. If people felt safe on bikes from proper bike lanes existing and education on using bike lanes through the city it would reduce the need for other transportation services.