I know comments like this…


I know comments like this never change anything, but I want to express my absolute disgust at how anti-human this plan is. Driving in Toronto has been a nightmare for years, and it's been getting worse. The planet is on fire. And somehow the answer is to remove the healthy, free, environmental option for people, and encourage them to get back into a car or to pack onto the increasingly unridable TTC?

At the very least, a leader should be able to show some studies proving his claim that removing bike lanes will actually solve the problem he's trying to solve. While he's at that, maybe he can look at models of bike-positive cities around the world and try to have an actual pro-human vision of what Toronto could be like.

He won't do either of those things, of course. To whoever is reading this, if you ignore whatever you stand to personally gain from this and think about civilization as a whole, at what the best version of our species could look like, is this plan a step towards that, or some nonsense grasp of a reality that doesn't exist?