This is very regressive and…


This is very regressive and unnecessary, if the government was serious about tackling traffic congestion there are many other obvious steps they could take. The simple fact is that there are TOO MANY CARS. If the problem could be solved by not having bike lanes then there would be no gridlock on the many, many, streets (and highways) in Toronto without bike lanes!
The single most important issue here is safety and saving lives. Studies have proved that roads with separated bike lanes are safer for cyclists, pedestrians AND drivers! I know I feel safer driving on Bloor with a single lane of traffic, slower speeds and no car drivers weaving between lanes. Also I prefer to walk along sidewalks where I am further away from car fumes and drivers who don’t pay attention to pedestrians.
I can’t help feeling this is all about Doug Ford not liking spending an extra minute or two on his car journeys. The ultimate selfishness when the world is in a climate emergency. Yet more shameful behaviour.