This bill will add red tape…


This bill will add red tape to municipal projects, slowing them down and increasing their cost. It would also make it more difficult for municipalities to provide transportation options other than driving. Many municipalities are adding density to help alleviate the housing crisis, this bill could prevent a viable alternative to driving being built in these areas. It may also increase the cost of these developments as car parking requires more space than bicycle parking.

Alternatives to driving must be built to increase accessibility and total throughput in denser areas. Bike lanes can be an excellent alternative, especially for teenagers and young adults who may be too young to drive or unable to afford to drive. People are going to bike places regardless of their infrastructure, it is best we build dedicated and safe spaces for them to cycle. Ontario is growing, we can choose now to build a province that is ready to offer diverse solutions to help us grow or stagnate on a single solution that may set us back.