Any major metropolitan city…


Any major metropolitan city is effectively designed to accommodate foot traffic and cyclists along with vehicles. Toronto currently doesn’t operate that way. For a “young” city, our infrastructure and planning is poorly designed focusing too much on motor vehicles. A modern city plans for the people who live in that city and their daily needs - not accommodating visiting traffic.
Eliminating bike lanes is not the solution to traffic and grid lock. It just allows for more vehicles, more irrational and impatient drivers, more noise pollution, and pollution in general. Anyone who actually lives in the city, doesn’t want more traffic lanes. I moved to Toronto 15 years ago and have lived in different neighborhoods and the best areas are the ones that have scaled back on motor vehicles (changing lanes, turning them into one-way streets, etc) and they operate as a community more effectively. The provincial government should be focusing on more accessible public transit to easily enter and exit the city for commuters, rather than disrupting Toronto residents. Those who don’t live in the city shouldn’t be making decisions on how we operate. Take the GO train from Etobicoke, Doug.