Bike lanes are absolutely…


Bike lanes are absolutely vital infrastructure from a health, environment, and equality perspective.

My family and I use the Bloor bike lanes almost daily. They provide a safe way for my husband and I to transport our toddlers short to medium distances.

Traffic is so dangerous for cyclists that we would not take this risk without dedicated bike lanes. If they are taken away, we will be forced to drive everywhere with our kids, exacerbating congestion.

Overwhelming evidence shows bike lanes to not worsen congestion.

My own experience driving on Bloor (with bike lanes) versus Dupont (without) is no time saving at all because people veer back and forth across the 2 lanes so much trying to avoid getting stuck behind left and right turners, ultimately causing more back up. Alternately Bloor with one main lane and then dedicated right or left turn lanes in high traffic areas is much more civilized and predictable.

I urge the Ontario government to follow the evidence on congestion, and keep the bike lanes as they are. Not to mention the environmental, health, and income equality benefits. Finally, for the safety of my children and other Toronto families we need those bike lanes.