Hello, I am a driver and a…


Hello, I am a driver and a cyclist. I commute by both but more by bike. I am commenting on behalf of safe bike lanes. This is a horrible idea, to take away bike lanes for more car congestion. There are so many people that bike in large cities to get cars off of the roads, or to have less people parking downtown and for health and environmental impacts. There are so many people that cannot afford to drive or park their cars so they resort to biking. If there aren’t bike lanes where will cyclists ride? In between the sidewalk and traffic with no space to bike? This will cause more accidents on the roadways for cyclists. Without a lane, cars do not see the cyclists and so many times I have almost been hit on my bike ride to work when I am on the road. I have to resort to the sidewalk when there isn’t a lane just for my safety as cars will not give me enough room to ride my bike. The result of no bike lanes is congested sidewalks , where pedestrians will have more bikes on the sidewalk to be safe which isn’t safe for pedestrians. There needs to be a place for cyclists especially on high traffic areas. Please reconsider every cyclists safety. Cyclists are here due to the lack of infrastructure for cars and parking and the high cost of gas and our environment, do make it safe for us and make the right choice to safe lives.