Safe and connected active…


Safe and connected active transportation links and well-functioning and affordable public transportation are two proven methods to reduce congestion. When people have a safe, affordable and convenient option it has been proven over and over again that they will change their habits to take it.

Removing existing services, and discouraging further development of this infrastructure is counter-intuitive. Fewer people choosing to travel using active modes and public transportation means more car congestion on roads.

When people who must use active transportation have no protected options and are forced to share lanes with vehicles, traffic is slowed further and is more dangerous, with severe consequences for both the vulnerable road user and the vehicle operator who harms them.

Bike lanes and bus lanes do not cause congestion -- they alleviate it. Every person on a bike, on foot, or on public transportation is one less car on the road. Please invest in support for those alternative modes, not in thwarting them. Ontarians will thank you for it.