First, I am driver, a…


First, I am driver, a cyclist and a pedestrian. We need solutions that work for everyone.

Second, I think everyone agrees that traffic congestion in places like Toronto and Ottawa is a major issue that deserves thoughtful deliberation to achieve real solutions.

Third, safety for cyclists (and pedestrians and motorists) needs to be central to any solution. Removing bike lanes won’t actually reduce cyclists on the road, it will just put them in harms way and increase driver frustration. It will not improve traffic congestion.

Fourth, interfering with municipal plans seems like gross overreach. Municipalities have been developing and implementing cycling infrastructure based on evidence –evidence that cycling infrastructure saves lives, is good for local business, and does not actually have much if any impact on commute times for car drivers. Arguably, more bikes on the road, means less cars.

Fifth, presumably the Ontario government has policy analysts that advise on such matters. It would seem that the ministers and the premier are either not asking their analysts for evidence or willingly ignoring the evidence provided.

Sixth, we elect governments because we believe they will enact policy that is progressive and benefits the population as a whole. This Bill 212 is a disappointment. You can do better.