This proposed legislation is…


This proposed legislation is flawed in so very many ways. Take my town, Guelph for example. We have a cycling master plan that went through exhaustive public engagement & has been in place for nearly 12 years. In that time we have had 3 civic elections and if there has been any negativity during these campaigns, those who opposed the master plan have been defeated by the citizens of Guelph. Due to downloading and increased costs to our city by this present government, we are now paying significantly more in property taxes, & agreed upon time lines for things like implementing the cycling master plan are being pushed further into the future. This legislation will further hamper the city of Guelph to implement our masterplan & leave significant gaps in the planned for system. The result of this will no doubt result in more fatalities here in Guelph. Frankly, this legislation does not allow for study but arbitrary action & seems aimed to make the current Premier's ride in the back of his taxpayer funded limo a couple of moments faster. The reason we have public hearings & study is to reduce whims and waste of resources. Removing bike lanes without proper study or consultation is a waste of money, time & resources. Respectfully I'm requesting that this legislation be either withdrawn or amended so taxpayer have a say based of evidence and REAL public consultation.