I am strongly opposed to…


I am strongly opposed to this legislation, especially with regards to bike lanes. Removing bike lanes would be working counter to Ontario's environmental and air quality goals, and would further be a massive waste of taxpayer money. During this time of affordability challenges, the government should be trying to ensure Ontarians have MORE low-cost options for how they move around their cities - not forcing them to rely on expensive, polluting cars more than ever. Furthermore, research has repeatedly shown that widening roads actually worsens traffic congestion, and will not necessarily improve business as many people in urban areas (myself included) rely on bike lanes to safely reach the business they want to patronize. Without bike lanes, there are many local businesses that I will be less likely to support simply because it will be harder and less safe for me to get there. Additionally, it is baffling that the same government that implemented the so called "strong mayor" powers would meddle so blatantly in an area that municipalities are clearly better suited to address.

I am also very opposed to any part of the proposed legislation that would infringe on Ontarians' rights under the Expropriation Act for the purposes of priority highway projects. Ontario should be finding ways to reduce demand for roadways by expanding public transit and active transit infrastructure, rather than forcibly taking people's land to build yet more highways that will ultimately not help to alleviate traffic congestion.