This proposed bill misses…


This proposed bill misses the mark on many levels and must be rejected and the process started over with a clear objective on improving transportation systems into the future.

Building new highways should be where it is shown that they are needed in the context of alternate transportation sytems, not just where a premier thinks is good (and his supporters happen to have already purchased the land), with minimal concern for envinronmental and farmland damage. If a new highway is called for after a careful analysis, then also do a cost comparison of re-publicizing the 407, a highway that was too quickly privatized by a past administration to balance a budget, something we are all paying for now. MTO has qualified staff to make these analyses, don't throttle them with a poorly thought out 'bulid more highways fast bill! Get with the times and do it right!

Bike lanes: European countries, and even non-first-world countries such as Colombia, know the importance of active transportation and are well ahead of us in designing and building safe, efficient and well engineered active transportation systems. It is time we get with the times and do the same; having a bill to reduce or eliminate bike lanes in an already inefficient system is going backwards. Further, it is time that the province stop interferring with Toronto and its attempts to do the right thing.

SCRAP THIS 'BUILD THE 413 FAST AND TAKE OUT BIKE LANES Bill! Go back to the drawing board and look broadly at transportation systems, environmenetal concerns and effeciencies, and how different modes fit into a compreshensive system, and ensure interconnections with these different modes.