Bike lanes save lives,…


Bike lanes save lives, reduce congestion, and improve the quality of life of Torontonians.

This proposal is absurd. The city has invested $27 million in building this infrastructure which keeps traffic off the road and keeps cyclists safe. The cost to remove this infrastructure is $49 million. This proposal is an insult to tax payers.

The Premier of this Province needs to keep his filthy paws out of our city centre. This is a municipal issue that falls under the city's jurisdiction.

Less than a third of my electoral riding uses cars as their primary mode of transportation. The majority of people use public transport, cycling, ride sharing or walking. These transport options are better for our health and our planet.

Destroying infrastructure to support alternative modes of transportation is idiotic, so it's not surprising this is the brain child of our Premiere. But it is surprising that the Premiere thinks we will not fight tooth-and-nail to protect our infrastructure, and to keep his bad policy and bad intentions out of our city.

The Premiere thinks we want bike lanes out of city. But what we want out is him.