Removal of bike lanes does…


Removal of bike lanes does not ease congestion. We know this.
Setting aside the countless economic, social, and environmental benefits of cycling and reduced vehicle miles traveled, bikes take up less space on the road, and bike lanes enable more people of all comfort levels to cycle safely, reducing the number of cars on the road. Reducing the number of cars on the road (and in particular, single-occupant vehicles), is the only way to reduce congestion. Adding more car lanes to our roads only attracts more drivers, and increases the vehicle miles traveled, exacerbating congestion and traffic. Decades of research have proven this, and if the Ontario government wanted to address the issue of congestion as they say they do, they would be looking at the facts and trying to figure out how to improve conditions for alternative modes of transportation including cycling, walking, and transit. Wasting public funds in reversing well-planned infrastructure would be disastrous to Ontarian's quality of life not to mention the reputation of our world-class cities.