I'm a cyclist, but I can…


I'm a cyclist, but I can understand that at least 6 months of the year, people don't ride much.
with that being said, bikes are getting better and electric. There's a good case to be made that people could ride much more in the future.

Regardless, my main question is: Is this solving the gridlock problem? adding another lane will add more cars. The VAST MAJORITY of cars have one person in them. doesn't that seem to be a bigger problem?

Why not get these millions (!!!) of dollars and invest in finishing the Eglinton RLT for example, or expedite the new subway lines?!?!

I don't fully support bike lanes in canada because of the weather alone, BUT this whole thing seems like a smoke screen to appeal to a certain type of people, and most of those don't even live downtown!

Let's have a bigger picture look please, this is a joke. maybe they shouldn't have been installed in the first place, but can we please move forward. Thank you