While it may make intuitive…


While it may make intuitive sense at a surface level, removing bike lanes or preventing their inclusion to maintain car lanes is an extremely shortsighted, misguided approach that can lead to significant negative consequences. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act clearly states that bicycles are entitled to use the roads, so eliminating a safe space for bikes will only serve to put people riding bikes in danger when they share road space with speeding cars. Prioritizing cars over cyclists compromises safety,forcing cyclists to share the road with faster, larger vehicles, increasing the risk of collisions. Many jurisdictions around the world have shown again and again that "induced demand" is a real effect. Simply adding more car lanes doesn't reduce congestion. Instead, it leads to increased traffic as more people choose to drive. There are far more cars in the GTA than what the city can sustain in terms of volume. Create more lanes, more cars will move in to use the space and congestion increases. Bike lanes, on the contrary, promote sustainable transportation, reduce congestion, reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Bike lanes also encourage physical activity, benefiting public health and reducing health care costs. By investing in bike infrastructure, cities can create a more sustainable, equitable, and healthy transportation system for all.
Listen to the experts! Look at other jurisdictions around the world. There is a TON of evidence showing that bike lanes REDUCE congestion. This a selfishly motivated, misguided initiative.