As a resident of University…


As a resident of University Avenue, I am absolutely appalled at the proposal to remove the bike lanes established just months ago. I endured the extensive construction process, which was disruptive and costly. To tear down this infrastructure now is not only a slap in the face to taxpayers but a complete waste of time, money, and resources.

These bike lanes, aside from improving safety, actually helped reduce congestion. I primarily drive, but having access to safe biking lanes encouraged me to bike more, which, in turn, means one less car on the road and a smoother commute for everyone. Eliminating these lanes would discourage people from choosing alternative, eco-friendly transportation, increase traffic, and contribute to pollution and noise. It’s baffling that after such a major investment, we’re considering removing a resource that benefits all road users.

Please reconsider this shortsighted decision. Let’s prioritize long-term, sustainable infrastructure solutions over wasteful backtracking.