I drive every day, and…


I drive every day, and honestly, I don't want to share the road with cyclists. I find it frustrating when they're in my way, slowing me down and making my drive more stressful. There were times I wished I could just get them off my road entirely.

But then I realized there might be a solution that works for both of us: building dedicated bike lanes with physical barriers. This way, cyclists have their own space, and they’re not suddenly swerving into my lane, risking an accident. With protected bike lanes, I can pass them confidently, without the constant worry of having to keep an awkward distance or follow strict regulations.

In Ontario, the law requires that drivers keep at least 1 meter of distance when passing a cyclist. But my eyes are not a measuring tape, and judging that exact distance can be challenging. Because of that, I tend to give cyclists an even wider berth just to be sure I'm following the law. With protected bike lanes, I don't have to worry about guessing those distances—cyclists are safe in their own lane, and I can drive freely and comfortably, knowing we're all staying within our boundaries. It’s the kind of compromise that could make driving smoother for everyone.