I am against this bill for…


I am against this bill for many reasons. First, from a governance point of view, municipalities should decide what are best for them. Bike lanes are a local issue, they should be decided by local politicians.

Second, this is a blatant power grab by the 905 trying to assert its will on the 416. Toronto residents are not telling Brampton or Mississauga or Oshawa what to do, nor should they decide what is best for torontonians.

Third, what is the premier’s vision for the province? Is it that we all live in concrete boxes in massive sky scraper canyons filled with concrete and no green space. That we all drive massive Cadillac Escalades like the premier. Live in dead smog filled cities like Sao Paolo or or Houston or Wuhan? What happened to the True North Strong and Free? Perhaps the Premier should visit Munich or Copenhagen- large cities built on human scale with significant green space. Where people actually walk places and neighborhoods exist. Places that are nice to live.

Bike lanes reduce congestion by taking cars off the road, they speed commute times, they provide cleaner air, less noise and create more livable cities. They encourage healthy living and a healthier population with lower health care costs which enable lower taxes.

It is a fallacy to think that removing bike lanes will reduce congestion. Our cities are growing and more people in more cars is not the answer to less congestion. Go to Sao Paolo or Houston and see. We are not the first city to navigate growth. Learn from the cities that have done it well.