Bill 212 is a dangerous bill…


Bill 212 is a dangerous bill that wastes taxpayer money (hello gravy train) and puts people's lives at risk. As a single mother, for the first 10 years of my son's life I did not own a car. Even though I had a good job at Thomson Reuters and then the London Stock Exchange Group, I do not come from a wealthy family. Both my parents are dead. So I work full time, paid for daycare, and could not afford a car. I would bike with my son to school. I would bike with sports equipment bags, in the rain, snow etc,... because that is what a hard-working fiscally responsible family-first person sometime has to do.

Before the bike lanes were installed along Woodbine and the Danforth, this was a harrowing act to do on a daily basis. Along Gerrard St E, then and now, there are no bike lanes and I was fearing the cars that have such little consideration for cyclists and speed along too closely.

The Ford brothers have for some strange illogical reason decided that cyclists are a problem. Or there is something wrong with the people who choose to cycle. That is an ignorant and irresponsible attitude.

I do not appreciate the government putting full-time, tax paying, hard working families' lives at risk by removing safety measures like bike lanes from city streets where they were installed only after intense review and support.