It is absolutely atrocious…


It is absolutely atrocious that the provincial government believes it has the authority to bypass any opinion or rule of the city and spend taxpayer money to rip up bike lanes that are keeping vulnerable cyclists alive and actually reducing traffic by providing alternative transit options. We are hitting a record high number of people who have been killed on bicycles this year because we have not done enough to create safe cycling infrastructure and the notion of reducing what we are trying to build is just mind-blowing. The evidence for not going ahead with this project that was presented at the city council meeting is clear - tearing up these bike lanes will NOT improve traffic and there are no alternative side streets on which they lanes could be placed without obscene amounts of money being spent, property being acquired, etc. This is clearly an issue that Doug Ford is trying to use to distract from other problems that is government has already/will continue to create such as the Eglinton LRT.