I have been a Toronto…


I have been a Toronto resident for the past 21 years. In 2017 I sold my car and decided I was no longer gonna get a new car. Instead, I have been relying on public transportation and during the summer months, I use my bike extensively.

Premier Ford, I have benefited greatly from the One Fare program that your government put into action earlier this year. I am slated to save $150 a year during my weekly visits to my father in Scarborough because of this program.

But this new bill that you are now considering to take out bike lanes on Yonge Street is going to affect me negatively. During the summer months, I take that route to bike from home in the 401 and young area, to the University of Toronto for work. Before those bike lanes were put into Yonge Street, I never biked in that area because I was scared of the cars that zipped really fast there. Since those bike lanes were placed there, my bike ride to work has been shortened by five minutes. This allows me to get to work on time and much earlier than before, get much needed exercise, and also have the opportunity to shop and eat in that area.

If you take out those bike lanes, you are putting my life and the lives of all other bike riders into peril.

If you take out those bike lanes, you are creating a traffic situation that will result in potentially more road rage and even worse deaths as they will now be sharing the road with us bike riders.

Please reconsider this law. Please allow local municipalities to make decisions that they have studied in earnest for their own citizens. please support local municipalities In these decisions by helping to fund them instead of overriding their decisions. Please do the right thing, and stop this bill. Thank you.