For the past 5 years, I’ve…


For the past 5 years, I’ve been using Bikeshare on a nearly daily basis to commute around Toronto. It has made the city immeasurably more accessible, affordable and enjoyable for me. I’ve saved time and reduced stress on my daily commute to work and have been able to access more local events with the flexibility a bike provides me.

Without the protected bike lanes on Bloor Street, I would have never exited my comfort zone and taken up city biking in the manner I have. I would have likely stayed within a small radius of my local neighbourhood and lost valuable experiences exploring this city.

I strongly urge you to reconsider Bill 212 and the ramifications it will have on the average citizen’s quality of life. My story is not unique, it is present in the lives of so many working Torontonians who simply want to sustain their level of access to safe and enjoyable commuting. Thank you.