I am absolutely astonished…


I am absolutely astonished by the lack of research, planning and thought underpinning Bill 212. The Province wants to remove bike lanes in Toronto and reserve the right to veto proposed lanes where they impinge on road lanes. The retrograde nature of the bill has made international headlines and made Toronto a global embarrassment where we could be leading the way.

If the Province had explored the evidence for urban bike lanes it would have found that they improve congestion, save lives, reduce emissions and save money through improved health. All of these benefits and co-benefits are publicly available in countless peer-reviewed journal articles, some of which have been referred to by numerous newspaper reports across the country. Failing that, the Province could have evaluated the experience of dozens of other cities in Canada and around the world that have implemented vast networks of bike lanes.

As a taxpayer, I am disgusted by the waste that Bill 212 represents. Where is the evidence for Bill 212? Share it with the public if the evidence is available. I urge the Province consider its responsibilities to its constituents and present the evidence or repeal this uninformed, overreaching, wasteful bill.