I am very opposed to the…


I am very opposed to the Government's proposed removal of Toronto's bike lanes. Firstly, it is intrusion into City of Toronto affairs - overreach. I think the province should stay in their lane - not the city's bike lanes. Secondly, I live close to both the Yonge, Danforth, and University bike routes and use them as do my neighbours and friends. I have noticed how busy they are, and wonder what will happen when they are removed - most likely people will be injured, possibly killed. I understand from following the issue, that the Province is using statistics for the GTA for usage, versus the City's statistics which show quite high use (as also evidenced by the wide use of the bike share program.)

I think bike lanes are an easy scapegoat and "vote getter" for Toronto's terrible traffic. Other possible causes - slowness of transit improvements (why is the Crosstown still unfinished, with no date in sight and no accountability!), many more rideshare cars on the road, larger cars taking up more space, and building sites taking out lanes of traffic (e.g. Avenue Road.) And from following urban planning, building more roads = getting more cars. I have just returned from a trip to Europe and saw so much evidence of the BENEFIT of dedicated bikes lanes, and better transit, and also see the benefits when I visit family in Vancouver.

Other cities have gridlock. Yes it's a problem but I feel the Province should be focused on other priorities e.g. state of health care (having recently spent 24 hours in a big hospital emergency department with an elderly person who had a hip fracture, on a bed, in the hall!), or the state of the education system - watching the deterioration of some formerly excellent public schools.

Thank you.