I strongly oppose this…


I strongly oppose this legislation. Not only will it do nothing to address traffic congestion in the City of Toronto (https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7358319), this is manifestly an issue for the City of Toronto, not the Province, to decide on. The Province should focus on keeping its side of the proverbial street clean, by delivering long-delayed transit projects and addressing congestion on provincial highways. I work on Bay St. Although I usually take the TTC, when I do drive, the issue on, for example, Adelaide St. is not the bikes, it’s the cars. There are too many single drivers who could and should be taking transit or car-pooling. If the Government of Ontario is actually serious about helping Toronto become a world class city, it should be following the example of its peers in supporting proven strategies like congestion charges, investment in reliable public transit and, yes, bike lanes.