Submission to Bill 212 -…


Submission to Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024

This proposed bill is counterproductive and deeply concerning. Evidence from cities worldwide, including leading examples in the United States and Europe, demonstrates that investing in bike infrastructure leads to improved urban mobility, reduced traffic congestion, lower emissions, and safer streets for all users.

Ontario has already made significant investments in bike infrastructure, which this bill threatens to dismantle. This would not only waste public funds but also create additional costs through roadwork disruptions and infrastructure removal. The claim that this will alleviate congestion is flawed; research consistently shows that reducing bike lane availability forces more people into cars, worsening gridlock rather than relieving it.

Furthermore, this bill reveals a glaring oversight: it entirely neglects the needs and perspectives of non-drivers. Commuters who rely on bicycles, pedestrians, and public transit users—many of whom cannot or choose not to drive—are integral to Ontario's transportation network. By prioritizing drivers to the exclusion of all others, this legislation marginalizes a significant portion of the population.

The proposed changes also disregard the proven safety benefits of dedicated bike lanes, which protect cyclists and reduce accidents. Dismantling these lanes will make streets more dangerous, discourage active transportation, and undermine public health initiatives encouraging walking and cycling.

Ontario must look forward, not backward. Modern, successful cities embrace multimodal transportation solutions that cater to drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and transit users alike. I urge the provincial government to reject this regressive bill and instead expand investments in sustainable and equitable transportation infrastructure.