If the province intends to…


If the province intends to force municipalities to remove their dedicated cycling infrastructure in favour of vehicle lanes, they should be required to upload these roadways to the provincial road network at their cost and assume all maintenance and liability for these roads. More cars means more maintenance and road work which municipalities currently pay for through local tax payer dollars. It also means less safe conditions and increase injuries/fatalities for pedestrians and cycles which the province should also be liable for. Furthermore, in the 2022 provincial study, "Connecting the GGH: A Transportation Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe", the bill's targeted City of Toronto corridors of Bloor Street, Yonge Street, and University Avenue, are not identified on the Strategic Goods Movement Network. Therefore, this bill is unlawful and contradicts the City of Toronto Act. Any change to Toronto's cycling infrastructure forced on by the province without due process will warrant investgations from the integrity commissioner and Ontario ombudsman.