Are you seriously considering increasing automobile dependency by removing existing bicycle paths or restricting their creation. Considering that bike paths allow pollution free transportation with much reduced physical foot print taking up less driving space and parking space than heavy cars. Removing established working bike paths will automatically increase car congestion and pollution. You need to provide alternate transit options, geared to the mixed transit needs of the people. A mix of mass transit, cars, bikes and pedestrian paths. Optimally it is the government's ethical duty to keep it's people safe no matter how they move about, this means keeping bike and foot paths free of cars, and to keep car traffic free of bikes and foot traffic. Forcing people to drive next to bikes is causing anxious drivers and bikers both. Increase the use of dedicated bike paths to 1) reduce car congestion as people can take alternative transportation. 2) reduce pollution as people can take alternative cleaner transportation, 3) reduce stress as people are out of danger of being killed, 4) reduce the death tolls as less pedestrians are killed, 5) Show Paris and other cities increasing bicycle infrastructure that Toronto is not backwards in reducing bicycle infrastructure.
Soumis le 19 novembre 2024 8:34 AM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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