Bill 212 is a terrible…


Bill 212 is a terrible mistake as policy. It is a step backward. It will put cyclist's lives at risk, including mine, and is a disgraceful waste of taxpayer's money. Climate change demands that we incentivize people to get out of their cars and onto public transit and other low-carbon modes of transportation, including bicycling. Bill 212 is shameless political pandering to those automobile commuters, most of whom commute alone in heavy, carbon-spewing vehicles, who aren't willing to contribute to a collective solution to the existential problem of climate warming. It is cynical political symbolism. Real data demonstrates that bike lanes don't contribute to traffic congestion - construction crews contribute much more. Cities around the world are installing MORE bike lanes, not removing them. Toronto should not be the regressive outlier. And daily bicycle commmuters like myself should not have our lives put at risk for the sake of whatever political advantage the premier calculates that he will gain among auto drivers by expensively removing bike lanes, including brand new ones, at taxpayer expense. Shame on Doug Ford.