Ontario is way behind other…


Ontario is way behind other world class municipalities in adopting bike lanes. Climate change is real, it is destructive and it is costly to tax payers who are your voters. Only when we reach a critical mass of bike lanes will drivers become used to bikers and be at ease with them and stop blaming the few for the problems of the many. Some might even adopt biking as a viable optional form of transportation.
Looking at the latest City of Toronto bike lane map show even a suburban, Volvo driving, older white lady like me what a disjointed and sparse network of lanes we actually have. Pathetic really.
Yes, I own an expensive folding bike that I asked for after travel abroad. Guess what? I am afraid to use it here in the city of Toronto. I am not safe riding here because the bike lanes stop and start on even my local routes.
One new boldly painted BUS Lane and plain asphalt bike lane on Ellesmere, east of warden is wildly successful with multiple long buses whizzing across. A recent walk over the overpass was comfortable and felt safe - because the busy street traffic was three lanes over from the tight sidewalk. The biggest double buses even feel safer than random traffic as they are driven by trained and accountable drivers and behave predictably. Having the bike lane next to the curb sidewalk was ideal.
The city needs more bike lanes NOW!
Many of your voters are not car owners or more likely use both biking and cars or transit to get around. Every trip by foot or bike pulls another one driver vehicle off of the congested road way. Being half committed and wishy washy about alternative transport is narrow minded and reactionary.
The key to reducing gridlock involves reinforcing all modes of transportation.
Real solutions require clear thinking and looking accurately at the real problem.

A premier who whines about bike lanes is distracting, insulting and unhelpful.