Please use common sense and…


Please use common sense and do not take out the bike lanes. Improving traffic flow and easing congestion in Toronto is complicated and we cannot continue to implement short-term fixes which only increase long term pressures on the city. Toronto has been poorly funded for a long long time and the transit system is poor. People are driving more. We need safe places for people to walk and bike in the city and we need better transit. I am a driver. I drive downtown twice a day 5 days a week. It is awful. The problem is not the bike lane on Yonge or University. I would urge all levels of govenment to work together as they are doing to improve things in Toronto. Ripping out bike lanes will not help people's commutes and it will endanger the lives of cyclists. I would also note that we lost a neighbour several years ago. He was riding his bike to work. He was killed by a motorist. We need to make the city safer for all and look at solutions that improve living and commuting conditions for all residents. The city needs help and a vision for a better tomorrow. Bike lanes are a positive development. We need alternatives to the car.