Bike lanes are vital to this…


Bike lanes are vital to this city! As a cyclist who commutes, bike lanes help keep me safer than if I were to bike in the same lane as cars. When I do have to bike on a road with no bike lanes, I am anxious the entire time. There have been many close calls, and on occasion I have had to bike in the middle of the lane, in order to keep myself safe (and much to the chagrin of drivers behind me). To remove bike lanes is to increase travel times for everyone!
And if the goal is to reduce gridlock and congestion, there are far better ways to do it! Truly, if the bike lanes go, I would have to start driving or taking an uber and that would just add to the number of vehicles on the road, increasing congestion AND increasing emissions.
Additionally, since when does the province get involved with municipal roads? This is a gross overreach and an entirely unnecessary proposal. Increase public transit, increase bike lanes, and don't let us move backwards!