The removal of bike lanes in…


The removal of bike lanes in downtown Toronto is allowing the instant gratification of suburban wants to completely override the safety needs of thousands of cyclists that actually live in these downtown areas and use bikes to commute.

Removing bike lanes, which would be a needless waste of taxpayer money, would not remove cyclists. Instead it would force cyclists to be in the same lanes on these roads as drivers, causing road safety issues on both sides. Additionally, adding another lane for cars isn’t going to miraculously fix traffic problems. Any time a lane is added to a corridor whether a road or highway, the traffic problem is not solved or improved. If you care about fixing traffic, make proper provincial investments in the expansion of multimodal transportation options, including more subways, BRT lanes, and bike lanes, in order to get cars off the road so that the people who need to drive cars can drive cars with minimal traffic.

Adding more lanes, adding more highways, or building billion dollar underground highway tunnels, are not ever going to fix the problem of traffic in Toronto. Multimodal and public transportation options providing consistent connectivity across the city will.