This is probably one of the…


This is probably one of the most uninformed, short sighted, and ignorant takes on what is causing “traffic” it is just as laughable as this government’s incompetence. Bicycles, especially in Toronto (which seems to be the focus of this “initiative”), are a low cost, efficient and effective way of moving around the city. The only source of fatalities they cause are when cars are involved. Removing bike lanes from major streets then pushed cyclists to smaller residential streets where their presence is felt even more so due to the size of the streets. All in all, that just means you’re taking “traffic” from one area and putting it in another, you’re not solving the issue.
If this government was actually serious about reducing traffic, maybe they would focus on what is causing it. Last I checked, it was cars that contribute to traffic, whether moving or parked on major streets. Creating more lanes does not reduce traffic, it creates more. The fact that there are enough cars on the road that create this large of a problem means that there is a failing in larger more efficient ways of moving large groups of people. Most cars on the road have one person in them. That is one person that is now taking up the same footprint as about 8 people. This to me signals that public transit needs an overhaul in terms of support and frequency. It needs to become more of an option to the public than it currently is. We can not be making commuting by car in a city more attractive.