I object to the…


I object to the prioritization of drivers vs the right of all Ontario citizens to practical means of transportation. This Bill priorities a specific means of transportation, individuals driving their cars, that contributes to climate change and poor health, and favors the wealthy. It is not mathematically possible for everyone to be able to drive in high-density places like Toronto due to the sheer physical space that one car or takes up, never mind where to park them when they are not in use most of the time. Just look at New York City! This bill unfairly targets dense urban areas that must provide citizens with space-efficient transportation alternatives to cars: cycling, transit right of way, safe walking. Forcing everyone to drive a car will make traffic worse (thousands more cars on the road!), kill even more pedestrians and cyclists, isolate non-drivers, and waste money deteriorating urban quality of life. Ontarians deserve better. Signed, someone born and raised in North York near the 401.