Just when cycling got safer…


Just when cycling got safer in Toronto, the province jumped out of their lane to send us back to more cycling accidents and deaths. We waited years for a bike lane on Bloor. It took so long to build it and now you want to take it away? I use it every day. I am 65 years old. I ride to save money and not have to take up road space with a car, and now you want to punish me and other riders for gridlock? It's only going to get worse if people like me can't ride safely anymore, and go back to driving. Consider the emissions increase, the parking problems - in fact, the more people who choose cycling the easier it will be for the remaining drivers to get around. I understand that reducing a lane seems to slow down a driver's commute, but as cycling gets safer, more people will leave the car at home or not bother if they don't need it. After all it is expensive, and right now people are looking for ways to save money what with the cost of housing and food going up and up. I spent almost $5,000 on a beautiful e-assist bike, with the safest battery you can buy, CSA approved Bosch. I can get to work in less time than if I drove, and even less than taking public transit, and parking is no issue. If the bike lanes are removed I will feel very disappointed with the City for allowing the Province to overstep its authority, and very angry at the Province for making me less safe on the road, when it should be a City decision. And it was - after years of consultation and advocacy, and the City paid. Even if the Province paid to take them out, it would not be fair. Whenever I have to drive, I know I will need to be very cautious making a turn, with the bike lanes. I need to stop for the streetcar doors. These are part of the driver's responsibilities, because public transit and bicycles are more efficient for the single commuter, better for the environment and cheaper. Ford said that only 1% of commuters use a bicycle, but that's just not true. The real numbers seem to be anywhere up to 10%, and would increase as people get used to the bike lanes that have just recently been completed, and how much safer they feel riding. Can you imagine all the delivery bikes, scooters and cyclists in the car lanes? That would spell disaster and wouldn't make commuting by car any quicker. At least with a separated bike lane, even if it costs an extra few minutes for the driver, they will have less stress not having to worry about hitting cyclists.