I oppose the proposal for…


I oppose the proposal for Bill 212, and I say this as someone who drives for 90 minutes every weekday. The worst of the gridlock I experience is on 400 series highways. None of these highways have bike lanes, but almost all of them have half a dozen express and collector lanes in each direction. Many of these highways, such as the 401 between Milton and Mississauga have undergone recent widening projects. Gridlock persists without fail, despite these widening efforts. Adding more lanes invites more drivers, which in turn creates traffic jams. As Ontarians, we need effective alternatives to being stuck behind the wheel.

City streets should be safe for everyone, not just drivers. Cyclists should not be forced into significantly longer routes, or ride on unsafe roads so that drivers can have a marginally more convenient commute. Many Ontarians rely on dedicated cycling infrastructure for protection while going about their daily lives. Bikes require very little space for parking, unlike cars, which often occupy entire lanes while sitting empty. The issue of gridlock will not be solved by adding more lanes to the finite space of a street, it will be solved by adding safe, effective alternatives to driving. If there is a safe way to go somewhere by bike, or a public transit option, I will take it. That means one less car on the road, and one less car contributing to gridlock. Cycling is a fast, efficient, cheap, and convenient mode of transportation and should be prioritized accordingly.