This proposal is an absolute…


This proposal is an absolute slap in the face of Torontonians. Our subway system is not designed to handle the increase in population over the past few years.

A good example of this is the Bloor-Danforth line between Woodbine to Broadview. The only switchback there is at Chester Station, meaning that if there is anything like a power cut-off, that means that shuttle buses must be ordered and that will increase gridlock.

Bike lanes are a great way to keep Torontonians on the move, healthy (since we know that you're trying to cut health care, Doug Ford). Another instance is that bike lanes allow our infrastructure to catch up (lane expansion, subway expansion).

USING TAXPAYER funds inappropriately to add and then remove bike lanes is another reason why this government is one of the most incompetent governments I've ever seen. Another example is paying the fine USING TAXPAYER funds for beer in convenience stores.